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How to Choose Your Wedding Cake to Complete Your Celebration

It’s difficult to select the most exciting part of the wedding planning process; for some it is surely choosing the attire they will wear on their special day. On the other hand, for some it is the wedding ring ceremony itself that is the most significant. But for guests it would be fair to say that the wedding reception is the high point of celebrating a new marriage; the food, the entertainment and especially… the wedding cake.

The excitement that surrounds this sweet confection is not only related to the delicious taste, but the artistic expression that comes to life with it. Wedding cake bakers have created stunning masterpieces that are almost too beautiful to believe, making the idea of cutting them in some cases full of regret.

But nevertheless, the idea of having a piece of the cake is one of the most highly anticipated moments of the event. When a couple chooses the theme for their special day, the cake plays a big role in how well it succeeds. From the colors and its design, the essence of the wedding theme must be clear to see which is easier said than done.

This is a far cry from the cakes of the past, which were simply white and three to five layers tall. The confections on display at wedding receptions today are edible works of art that taste as good as they look.

So where to begin creating the focal point of your wedding reception? At least four months in advance of the wedding date and having the basic facts in hand are important: the number of guests to be served at the reception and whether or not you also want to send your guests home with a piece of cake as a memento of the wedding. If you choose this option, then you have to double the amount of cake servings plus a little extra for the guests who just must have more. In addition don’t forget to order the cake boxes from the baker. Review the wedding cake websites and magazines to have a few ideas of which style will go best with your wedding theme.

With this information it's time to talk to friends and relatives for at least three leads for the most important ingredient of making your cake everything you want: the baker. Be warned, the master bakers of these sweet delights don’t come cheap! Stay local so that you can visit the bakery to see examples of their previous creations and definitely TASTE samples of the cake you have in mind.

Discuss the price of a simple cake for the number of servings you need to get an idea of your starting costs, if that is beyond your budget, it’s best to see if they are willing to negotiate or move on to your next choice. Once you have found a baker who meets your budget and pleases your taste buds as well, you can start designing the cake itself to match your wedding theme, arrange for inspection and delivery on your big day. All that’s left to do is relax and enjoy the festivities—Congratulations and Bon Appétit!